Matej Andraž Vogrinčič
"Terenske vaje/Field work"
Public talk and exhibition
Tuesday, March 25, at 8pm
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Tuesday, March 25, from 4pm
Wednesday, March 26 - Friday, March 28, from 10am till 4pm
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Studio 6
Artistic actions, exhibitions, performances, discussions between diverse protagonists of the contemporary art world.
Matej Andraž Vogrincic is presenting his art installations mainly abroad lately. Fifteen years ago he "dressed" a house in Ljubljana which soon became a city legend. From then on, he produced many visualy poetic but at the same time multilayered site-specific installations. His last art projects, Carpark - Members only, Moon Plain, When on a Winter's night a Traveller, Beach balls, Untitled (56 boats), Erector Set in Untitled (Shovels) received positive feedback from wider international audience. His latest work Slinky (2008) is currently being produced in cooperation with slovenian theatre director Matjaz Pograjc, with whom Vogrincic already collaborated on theatre play Hej Salvador (1994). We finally have an opportunity to talk about the backstage of Vogrincic's projects with the artist himself.
During the talk, the artist will first present his last projects. Afterwards we will focus on several segments of his art production: from the starting idea in a relation to a certain space, organisation of pre-production conditions, technical realization of the work, post-production, documentation (photographs), to his collaboration with local public and wider audience. We will as well talk about the theatre and designing aspects of artist's work.
The talk will be lead by Maja Lozic and Bojana Piskur.
You are most welcome!
The process of developing the art installation plays a major role in Vogrincic's work, from its technical/material scheme to its final placement into a specific space. Artist will exhibit a series of photographs, which will present the process. Presented will be also Vogrincic's documentation for his latest project Slinky.


Matej Andraž Vogrinčič (Ljubljana, 1970) has been creating site-specific work in urban and natural environments since the early 1990s. He has built an international reputation by creating installations specific to local places, traditions, and histories - filling the most ordinary or neglected places with even more ordinary objects. Vogrincic first "dressed" a dilapidated house with donated clothing in his hometown and then presented a similar project at the Venice Biennale in 1999. He created the project "Car Park: Members Only" - a wall installation consisting of 15,000 toy cars placed on a wall of a building in Australia's Adelaide in response to the city's traffic and parking problems and continued to the Australian outback, where he put up a watering can installation, consisting of some 2,000 plaster watering cans arranged over the area of a football field in a region largely devoid of rain. As part of the 2003 Awesome Festival in Australia's Perth, he filled up an area of 7,000 square meters with 10,000 balloons of red, orange, blue, pink, green and yellow colors. He filled the atrium of the former Melbourne GPO with 1000 umbrellas in 2005. His most recent projects include Untitled (56 boats) at Liverpool Biennal, Erector Set in New Haven, Connecticut, and Untitled (Shovels) at Krasnoyarsk Biennal.
Studio 6
Artistic actions, exhibitions, performances, discussions between diverse protagonists of the contemporary art world
Studio 6 is mostly focused on encouraging discussions and establishing constructive collaboration between diverse protagonists of the contemporary art world (artists, curators, critics, theorists), offers space for presentation of artistic actions and ensures their reflection.
Head of the program: Saša Nabergoj
Coordination: Maja Lozić
Participating curators, critics, theorists: Alenka Gregorič (Gallery Skuc, Ljubljana), Iztok Hotko (Gallery Simulaker, Novo mesto), Bojana Piškur (Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana), Mateja Rot (e-ARHIV project group, SCCA-Ljubljana), Božidar Zrinski (International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana)
Participating artist in 2008: Jože Barši, BridA, Vuk Ćosić, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Tobias Putrih, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič
SCCA-Ljubljana is a member of Asociacija, the association of non-government organisations and independent creators in the field of culture and art in Slovenia.