Tuesday, May 20th, at 20.00
Tuesday, May 20th, from 18.00 on
Wednesday-Friday, 21. - 23. May, from 10.00 till 16.00
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Projects of the group BridA: Do it yourself, Modux, Informational accelerator, participation at U3, in Alkatraz Gallery and in the City Gallery of Ljubljana, are based on discussion, precise planning and professional execution. The group treats artistic work as an open space, in which various information circle around and interventions of viewers can constantly co-build it and affect the final result. For all the group's previous projects, which they presented in numerous variations and upgrades (they always adjust the project to exhibitional space or environment) we could seek interesting content origins in general society, but we can as well lop them to perfective esthetic forms - accelerators of our understanding and comprehension of artistic achievements.
The group continues "tradition" of artistic connection and group work in Slovenian art field (team work, engaged work in their local place and successful presentations abroad, their own artist in residence program). Their work is based on research and projects, which include collaboration with other artists, professionals, creators etc. Group's members are artistic urchins, who provoke at the right moment and at the right time. That will make our converstion with them after the event a special experience, where they will introduce themselves as new players on the scene, in spite of them being active for more than a decade.
Curators Alenka Gregorič and Božidar Zrinski will lead the talk.

BridA will present series of prints of circuit boards, which the group researches in context of information accelerator. Printed circuit boards, as we know them from our everyday life, are a part of every technologically exacting device, often connected to a flow of information. But BridA researches them in a context of artistic information and interaction with the viewer.
The group BridA is formed by artists Sendi Mango, Tom Kerševan and Jurij Pavlica (Klemen Brun joined the group in 2003 and left it in 2007). They graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. The group formed gradually through discussions and study projects from 1996 - 2000.
Studio 6
Artistic actions, exhibitions, performances, discussions between diverse protagonists of the contemporary art world
Studio 6 is mostly focused on encouraging discussions and establishing constructive collaboration between diverse protagonists of the contemporary art world (artists, curators, critics, theorists), offers space for presentation of artistic actions and ensures their reflection.
Head of the program: Saša Nabergoj
Coordination: Maja Lozić
Participating curators, critics, theorists: Alenka Gregorič (Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana), Iztok Hotko (Gallery Simulaker, Novo mesto), Bojana Piškur (Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana), Mateja Rot (e-ARHIV project group, SCCA-Ljubljana), Božidar Zrinski (International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana)
Participating artist in 2008: Jože Barši, BridA, Vuk Čosić, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Tobias Putrih, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič