Marija Mojca Pungerčar:
- Brotherhood and Unity on the exhibition re: ex-post, Critical Knowledge and the Post-Yugoslavian Condition, Vienna
- Outside my door on the exhibitionNikjer je najlepše/ Nowhere is most beautiful, Ljubljana
We are informing you about art projects and collaborations by Marija Mojca Pungerčar, SCCA collaborator and editor of Artservis.

The project Brotherhood and Unity is the story about two highways and people who constructed them.
Marija Mojca Pungerčar is connecting two events which refer to the same space at different times. It goes for coincidence of two construction sites in the vicinity of Novo mesto. In 2006 there took place the construction of motorway section Hrastje - Lešnica, in 1958 was construction work of Dolenjska region of Yugoslavian highway, the road of brotherhood and unity.
The project includes photographs and a documentary film already took part in exhibitions abroad, in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Macedonia, France and Spain. This time the project is presented again in Austria on an exhibition re: ex-post, Critical Knowledge and the Post-Yugoslavian Condition at Open Space Gallery in Vienna. Exhibition will be open from 20th of January to 21st of February 2010 and it is curated by Luisa Ziaja. Participating artists are Chto delat? with Vladanom Jeremićem and Reno Rädle, Nina Höchtl and Marija Mojca Pungerčar. The exhibition in the Vienna Open Space Gallery explores artistic strategies of questioning and the new reading and writing of recent history from the point of you of current situation in the territory of former Yugoslavia.
Bratstvo in enotnost
re: ex-post, Critical Knowledge and the Post-Yugoslavian Condition
Marija Mojca Pungerčar explores in the project Outside my door (January 2001-August 2004, ongoing) environmental changes in Grba Ljubljana's suburb, in which she lived in until recently. She documented her home neighbourhood for three years on the daily walks with her dog. She recorded part of the local history at a time when it was changing from the workers' suburbs in the luxury resort. Photographs, video animation and stories from the suburbs of Ljubljana are now hosted at the exhibition Nikjer je najlepše / Nowhere is most beautiful in the Mestna Gallery - MGML, Ljubljana, from 28th of January until 28th of February 2010. Exhibition is curated by Alenka Gregorič. Exhibition focuses on the production of visual artists from different aspects (architectural, social, .) and the variety of approaches dealing with the city of Ljubljana, through photography, music, video and film recording.
Outside my door
Nowhere is most beautiful
Marija Mojca Pungerčar is working in the field of contemporary visual art (installation, video, performance), she is also involved with a theatrical costume design. Her work is characterized by socially content, the consummating criticism of society and emphasis locality and community.