SCCA-Ljubljana & HaRaKa Films and Lectures & Townhouse Gallery present
Dancemania - Videospotting in Cairo
Screenings and discussion with Barbara Borčić
Wednesday, 27 January 2010, 7 pm
Library of the Townhouse Gallery, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt
As an accompanying event of the international project and platform Open Studio organized by international partners, amongst them SCCA-Ljubljana, Videospotting will be screened in Townhouse Gallery.
SCCA-Ljubljana will prepare a presentation of Videospotting, series of survey and thematic programs of video art in Slovenia and presentations (exhibitions, screenings, lectures) in Slovenia and worldwide. Barbara Borčić, curator in critic, video and performance art specialist, director of SCCA-Ljubljana, will present one of the curated video programs focused on dance video: Dancemania.
Curated by: Barbara Borčić and Nerina Kocjančič
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 1997
Duration: 55 minutes
In the eighties and nineties various video genres were formed through mutual dependence with other art practices, e.g. video dance, video film, video documentary, video clip, video sculpture, video installation, video ambience and video performance and they approached the performance, theatre, television or film language. It turned out that the video was generally usable, while the term 'intertextuality' replaced the term 'autonomy'.
Videodance became popular (in European and North-American artistic circles) somewhere in the mid 80s and lasted all through the 90s. It was used as a term to describe videos, in which dance, movement and/or choreography played a predominant role. Generally, we can distinguish the following four categories: Stage/Studio recording, Camera Rework, Screen Choreography, and Documentary . In Slovenia, videodance was highly produced in the 90s and simultaneously, the Video Film Dance Festival was organized in Ljubljana (1991-1996).
The video works selected for the Dancemania program give an overview of fruitful collaborations between video artists, dancers and choreographers in that period, often called the 'Golden Age' of videodance.
Urška Žnidaršič, Povodni mož / The Underwater Man,
10', AGRFT & TV Slovenija, 1995
Mirko Simič, No Brains No Tumors (2227),
3'25'', Strip Core & VPK,1995

Iztok Kovač & Patrick Olten, Narava beso / Beso Nature,
18'42'', En-Knap & BRTN & TV Slovenija, 1995

Peter Vezjak, Double Edge (Coptic Rain),
4'15'', Modern Music Berlin & TV Slovenija,1995

Jan Zakonšek, Kako sem ujel sokola / How I Caught the Falcon,
10', TV Slovenija, 1993

Ema Kugler, Taiga,
8'23'', Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996

The program is partly supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture.