Female Artist - the Art of Survival
Exhibition of contemporary feminist art from Slovenia
March 4-8, 2010
Opening and discussion:
Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 6 p.m.
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
During the international feminist and queer festival Red Dawns 2010 Project Room SCCA will again host an exhibition of contemporary feminist art from Slovenia. Curators Jadranka Ljubičić and Ana Grobler will present works of authors that problematise the status and position of women artists in today's society.
Criterion of selection of works has been diversified and engaged approach in work and on declarations of authors. Works are results of their personal experiences. Already the fact that there are not many male artists, who would present their position in such a way, speaks that the situation of women artists is not uniform and equal. The women authors in addition to artistic creation, which is a job for more than a full-time, perform many other tasks: the household, childcare, care that their work stays recognized in the art world.
- Martina Bastarda, Art Project,
a series of eight 15-minutes long interviews (with contemporary Slovenian artists)
Video, 1' 30'', 2006

- Martina Bastarda, TV Auction, a television performance
Video, 59' 44'', 2003

- Vesna Bukovec, The Only Thing I Can Control Is My Attitude Towards Life
It Will Be OK
Video, 3' 34'', 2009
- Vesna Bukovec, The Only Thing I Can Control Is My Attitude Towards Life
Positive Illusion
Ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2009

- Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Mortality Table, an art project in the form of a thematic chocolate bar, 2009

- Zvonka Simčič, We struggle to find the Time to create Somewhere in between
Poster, 100 x 200 cm, 2009

- Nataša Skušek, Fliperautomat
Video, 2' 47'', 2005

- Hana Repše, Women's story
Net art project, 2007
- Katarina Toman Kracina, Mini 7 days
A series of paintings, acrylic on canvas, 35 x 50 cm, 2005

Thursday, March 4, from 18.00
Friday, March 5, 10.00-18.00, guided tour at 18.00
Saturday, March 6, 17.00-20.00
Sunday, March 7, 17.00-20.00
Monday, March 8, 10.00-18.00
The panel discussion (in Slovene language only) will focus on the individual positions of female artists: Milena Kosec, career artist, Aprilija Lužar, activist and artist, Zvonka Simčič, artist, Urša Jurman, curator and art critic. The discussion will also present the draft of the survey composed by curators Ana Grobler and Jadranka Ljubičić with a consultancy help by sociologist Mateja Zobarič Trplan.
The discussion will be documented and included into the exhibition.
Speakers: Milena Kosec, Aprilija Lužar, Zvonka Simčič, Urška Jurman
Moderator: Ida Hiršenfelder
Curator, concept: Ana Grobler, Jadranka Ljubičić
Artists: Martina Bastarda, Vesna Bukovec, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Zvonka Simčič, Nataša Skušek, Hana Repše, Katarina Toman Kracina
Speakers: Milena Kosec, Aprilija Lužar, Zvonka Simčič, Urška Jurman
Moderator: Ida Hiršenfelder
Research: Mateja Zobarič Trplan
Consultancy, coordination: Barbara Borčić, Saša Nabergoj, Dušan Dovč
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana
Coproduction: KUD Mreža / Red Dawns 2010


Photo: Jasmina Klančar
SCCA-Ljubljana program is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana.