Artservis is a partner
at European project On-AiR

On-AiR is a European tool for artists; seminars, mobility workshops and training programs on artist-in-residence opportunities.
The programme has two goals:
- overcoming the imbalance between knowledge and skills among potential users of AiR programs: to know that AiR opportunities are 'out there' is something else than to have the skills to access and make use of them;
- exchanging intelligence among providers of AiR programs, on how to distribute facts and value of AiR opportunities among potential users, in such a way that it fits the regional needs of the artists.
Head of the project is Trans Artsists from Amsterdam. The project will last from May 2010 to April 2012.
Partners: Trans Artists (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), City of Göteborg (Sweden), UNITER (Bucharest, Romania), K2 (Izmir, Turkey), Workshop Foundation (Budapest, Hungary), Artservis/SCCA-Ljubljana (Slovenia), Glasgow School of Art (Scotland, UK), The City of München (Germany), ARTEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Enschede, the Netherlands), Pepinieres österreich (Graz, Austria), AiR Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw, Poland), Mala Stanica (Skopje, Macedonia), Beykent University/Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey), Banska Stanica (Slovakia), Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee, Belgium), Club Portugues Artes e Ideias (Lisbon, Portugal), Konstepidemin (Göteborg, Sweden), Giovane Artisti Italiani (GAI) (Torino, Italy)
(Project is supported by Culture Programme 2007-2013.)

This work programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Published June 4, 2010]