Cinéma Féministe
The Home / La Maison / DOMA
Video screenings
Thursday, 6 January, 2011 at 8 pm
Thursday, 20 January, 2011 at 8 pm
Udarnik Cinema, Grajski trg 1, 2000 Maribor
SCCA-Ljubljana web-master, Vesna Bukovec is participating artist at the video screenings in Udarnik Cinema. From the data base of the video programming online platform ArtFem.TV, a monthly selection of works is screened at the cinema Udarnik in Maribor, Slovenia. The selection of works is chosen each month on an issue of contexts in the feminist field by Evelin Stermitz

Program for January 2011
The Home / La Maison / DOMA
From the 1970s onward and in the tradition in video art, circling around the self within a private space, this issue has been expressed by early video artists such as Martha Rosler, Nina Sobell, Suzanne Lacy, Janice Tanaka, and others, through performance pieces in a critical engagement around female subject constructions and definitions. But in which way is a new generation articulating and negotiating the private space within this field of a traditional women’s space? This video selection shows black and white images from the 1970s as well as current video works.
Vesna Bukovec is participating with videos:
- Everything I eat turns to health, beauty and love
- I can create positive change
- I love myself for who I am
- I trust in the process of life
- Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje/The Happiest Apartment in the World

Vesna Bukovec, Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje/The Happiest Apartment in the World, 2010, video still
More info:
Curator: Evelin Stermitz
Artists:Vesna Bukovec, Lemeh42, Martha Rosler, Nina Sobell, Evelin Stermitz
Organizer: Zavod Udarnik
Partner in coproducer: ArtFem.TV in collaboration with son:DA
Vesna Bukovec (1977) graduated and completed her post-graduate studies in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She works as a solo artist as well as in the art group KOLEKTIVA (with Metka Zupanič and Lada Cerar). In recent years she has presented her works at numerous solo and group exhibitions in Ljubljana, Maribor, Slovenj Gradec, Novo Mesto, Ribnica, Zagreb, Belgrade, Athens, Berlin, Beijing, Linz, Graz, Vienna, New York, Verona... Her artistic work finds its expression in a variety of media (video, photography, drawing, installation) and approaches (research, appropriation, participation, etc.), with irony being a frequently used artistic strategy.
[Published January 5, 2011]