World of Art, Year 13, Series of Lectures
Pau Cata (Consell Comarcal Llorenc del Penedes):
An artist at the CeRCCa Residency. An auto-ethnographic perspective
Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 20.00
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The presentation is going to focus on the development of new models in the residency program in a rural village Llorenc del Penedes in Catalonia. The program was developed by Pau Cata and Aurora Balasch within the context of CeRCCa - Center for Research and Creativity Casamarles ( By combining theory and practice, we are going to discuss the implementation of AIR CeRCCa through the Furnish Me! workshop (Summer of 2009) and the residency program of 2010 while reflecting upon CeRRCa in relation to its local context.
The main themes of the lecture are going to be tangible and intangible heritage and their interconnectedness (artistic material and non-material production), participation and withdrawal as simultaneous modes of existence today (audience vs. participation) and translation and untranslatability and their mutual “negotiations” (functionality of art forms today).

More info
The World of Art programme is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture.
[Published February 4, 2011]