Vesna Bukovec participates at the exhibition:
Another Marriage? Between the Narrative and the Abstract
February 4-14, 2011 (by appointmet)
Private View – app-platform for contemporary arts and experiments, Berlin
SCCA-Ljubljana web-master, Vesna Bukovec is participating at the exhibition with two video works: I trust in the Process of Life (2010) and Personal Advice (2010).

To think relations constituting contemporary art (system) and to experience the story about the attraction, obstacles and tensions, and definitely about the existence of the real love.
Artists: Nándor Angstenberger (D), Claudia Barthoi (D), Vesna Bukovec (SI), Peter Tomaž Dobrila (SI), Barbara Caveng (D/CH), Mitja Ficko (SI), Jule Ja (D/SI), Ilona Kálnoky (AT/D), Matej Košir (SI), Dieter Lutsch (D), Iztok Maroh (SI), Arjan Pregl (SI), Iris Schieferstein (D), Konstantin Schneider (D), Katja Sudec (SI), Kei Takemura (JP), Lotta Weigl (D), Sinta Werner (D), Markus Wüste (D)
Curator: Maja Škerbot (SI/D)
Opening view: Friday, February 4th 2011, between 6 and 10 p.m.
February 4-14, 2011 (by appointmet)
Private View, app-platform for contemporary arts and experiments
Joachimstr. 11a/a1, HH, 3.OG
10119 Berlin-Mitte
+49 (0)179 8220777
PRIVATE VIEW and KUD GeneraTOR (Ptuj, SI) warmly thanks to both partners ACE Kibla (Maribor, SI) and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin, and to supporters of the platform the Slovenian Ministry of Culture (Ljubljana, SI) and SCCA Center for Contemporary Arts (Ljubljana, SI).
Vesna Bukovec (1977) graduated and completed her post-graduate studies in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She works as a solo artist as well as in the art group KOLEKTIVA (with Metka Zupanič and Lada Cerar). In recent years she has presented her works at numerous solo and group exhibitions in Ljubljana, Maribor, Slovenj Gradec, Novo Mesto, Ribnica, Zagreb, Belgrade, Athens, Berlin, Beijing, Linz, Graz, Vienna, New York, Verona... Her artistic work finds its expression in a variety of media (video, photography, drawing, installation) and approaches (research, appropriation, participation, etc.), with irony being a frequently used artistic strategy.
[Published February 4, 2011]