DIVA Station at LUX (London)
Presentation of video art in Slovenia and screening program
Thursday, April 28, 2011, at 7 pm
LUX, 3rd Floor
Shacklewell Studios, 18 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EZ,
London, UK
You are kindly invited to attend a presentation of video art in Slovenia accompanied by screening on Thursday, 28th April at 7pm within the program LUX Salons at LUX (London).
A short history and context for artists' video in Slovenia, the media archive DIVA Station and the work of SCCA-Ljubljana will be presented by SCCA's director Barbara Borčić and curator and critic Miha Colner.
LUX Salon takes place at LUX, 3rd Floor, Shacklewell Studios, 18 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EZ. See www.lux.org.uk/about/index.html for directions.
Admission free, booking is essential - to book a place email salon@lux.org.uk!
DIVA Station_Presents (2009)
Curated by: Barbara Borčić, Miha Colner and Ida Hiršenfelder
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana 2009
Duration: 1:02:13
Chronologically selected video program includes 15 videos, which present important shifts in understanding and usage of video as a means of expression from 1983 to 2007:
- Zemira Alajbegović, Vortex, 2000, 4:04

- Vesna Bukovec, Important News, 2003, 1:00

- Neven Korda, Gagarin, 2003-2005, 4:49

- Marko Kovačič, American Dream, 1986, 6:46

- Ema Kugler, Taiga, 1996, 8:22

- Andrej Lupinc, In Eight Minutes Around the World, 1999/2000, 8:00

- Marjan Osole - Max, Avtop, 1983, 4:52

- Sašo Podgoršek, England, 2006, 3:51

- Zvonka Simčič, Broken h-h-ha.egg, 2000, 1:00

- Mirko Simič, Do You Hear the Sound of Silence, 1992, 3:02

- Robertina Šebjanič, Bubble I, 2007, 1:00

- Nika Špan, How to Socialise the Blues?, 2007, 1:58

- Miha Vipotnik, Dont' Panic, 1984, 6:31

- Tanja Vujinović, Extagram-ST807, 2007, 1:00

- ZANK (Zemira Alajbegović in Neven Korda) & Borghesia, Discipline, 1983, 3:46

Press photo
DIVA Station is the physical and web archive of video art which has been developing since 2005, and is one of SCCA-Ljubljana projects, which seek to research, document and archive video/media art. The collecting of material for DIVA Station is based on a documentary, archival and research project on video art in Slovenia Videodokument: Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998, which was developed at SCCA-Ljubljana between 1994 and 1999, and was followed by numerous curatorial selections of the gathered material, introduced under the common title of Videospotting. There were also research and exhibition projects: What Is Going on Concerning Audiovisual Archives? (2005), What Is to Be Done with Audiovisual Archives? (2007), How to connect contents of AV archives? (2010) and numerous consultations and talks with artists, curators and other experts and international collaborators who are directly confronted with the issue of storing video art and establishing video archives.
DIVA Station is a partner of GAMA – Gateway to Archives of Media Art, an international internet platform, which brings together several European video and media archives to make them more visible and easily accessible.
More (under construction): www.e-arhiv.org/arhiv/diva
SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana forms important segments of support system for contemporary arts & culture and civic society. Its activities are divided into the following scopes: art programs; educational programs and service activities. Our objective is to produce, stimulate and mediate innovative artistic and interpretative practices and to encourage international links between them.
Special thanks to
LUX & Benjamin Cook for hosting the presentation of DIVA Station and for organizing the video screening.
More info
SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: 00 386 1 431 83 85
Contact person: Dušan Dovč (production.manager@scca-ljubljana.si)
SCCA-Ljubljana program is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana.
[Published April 1, 2011]