Lighting Guerrilla: SOUND
Light installations, objects, screenings, workshops, performances
May 27–June 18, 2011
Ljubljana, Novo mesto – various locations

Light is a part of our everyday reality. The same goes for sound. We would therefore like to invite you to discover the ways in which these elements cohabitate in the city and explore the synergies between light, sound and public space together with international artists. We challenge you to touch and play on the objects in the Vžigalica Gallery to co-create light– and soundscapes.
We challenge you to create the miniature shadow theatre at the Trg francoske revolucije; and we challenge you to use your voice to change the appearance of the façade of Cankarjev dom.
The artists will use their works to uncover the relationship between light and sound in artistic installations, buildings and spaces and the relationship between the artistic light installation, space and visitors. By placing these projects in the open, we want to create temporary new dimensions of the public space, and entice you to a creative and critical attitude towards the common public space and the elements that define it, such as air, sound and art. Towards a new articulation of space!
The festival Lighting Guerrilla will start with the opening of the exhibition at Vžigalica Gallery on Friday, May 27, 2011 at 21.30.
Project Room SCCA will host the participating artists and their presentations on Sunday, May 29, at 18.00.
Introducing the authors: Karl Kliem, Daan Brinkmann, Circulation 2, Sophie Guyot, Primož Oberžan and Boštjan Drinovec.
Kindly welcomed!
Production: Strip Core / Forum Ljubljana
[Published May 20, 2011]