Video večer / Video Evening #05
Further Tales from Everywhere
A screening evening
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 8 pm
Photon Gallery, Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana
We are informing you about the exhibition project of art group KOLEKTIVA, co-organized by Vesna Bukovec, SCCA-Ljubljana's webmaster.

Bryant Dameron: Follow, 2008, still
The fifth edition of Video Evening coincides with the exhibition Tales from the North in Photon Gallery, Ljubljana. KOLEKTIVA is presenting a selection of videos from the online moving image gallery Outcasting from Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Selected by: Michael Cousin (UK)
Participating: Andrew Bucksbarg (US), Bryant Dameron (US), Angelo Picozzi (UK), Richard Powell (UK), Janis Rafailidou (GR/UK), Gregor Rozanski (PL/D), Alysse Stepanian (IR/US), Adam Trowbridge (US)
Total screening time: 00:49:00
About the selection
The trouble with most films is that there’s always someone directing the action. They edit, they shoot, they point, and they direct us to look, to see a certain thing at a certain time, to hear a sound, to understand some words or some movement. Nothing is wasted, all is significant. There is certainty in this storytelling, always a starting point, always an ending even if they don’t start at the beginning and finish at the end.
When those films come from the ideas of an artist then you’re even less sure where you are and what you should be doing. There is still direction. Still there is shooting, pointing, looking and hearing. But the significance? Where is the significance? It is sometimes absent, behind you, out of shot by miles. Sometimes it is erased or twisted, wrung out to the last drop of meaning. Often it was never there at all. There isn’t a single truth in any of it. Just many truths and lies, many facts and fictions, mixed together so you don’t know which is which. Even when you think you know and understand based on the evidence of your senses; you don’t really understand a thing do you?
History was never and will never be truly captured on film in all its awful truth. There are only moments, stories of experience, and stories of fantasy. It doesn’t really matter which is which.

Outcasting is an online moving image gallery founded in 2007 by artist Michael Cousin. Based in Cardiff, this is a voluntary organisation that offers an international platform for practitioners. Artists, filmmakers, animators and documentary makers are selected for screenings of their work in bimonthly Seasons and are then archived on the site. Outcasting also organises screenings in physical environments.
About the curator
Michael Cousin is a moving image artist based in Wales, UK. He is currently a recipient of a Creative Wales Ambassador Award. He is currently producing a series of truthful lies using found footage and archive material.
He is the Founder and curator of Outcasting an online moving image gallery and is currently Freelance Curator at g39 in Cardiff. He is also an Artist Member of the Contemporary Art Society, London and is represented by Mermaid & Monster, Cardiff.
More info:
Photon Gallery/ Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
m: +386 41 258215
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 11am-6pm
Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon, Outcasting
Sponsor: Center Projekcije
Video večer / Video Evening is a monthly event in which we screen video selections prepared by various invited artists, curators, institutions, asociations and festivals.
[Published May 20, 2011]