Deej Fabyc: Daddy was a spy for the Soviet Union
June 16-July 1, 2011
Alkatraz Gallery, AKC Metelkova City

Photo directed and framed by Deej Fabyc. Photographic assistance Sunčan P. Stone
In the sole exhibition at the Alkatraz Gallery, a recognized British-Australian artist Deej Fabyc will present herself with a project that she was developing while in residence at the Artist’s Asylum at Metelkova City last April. The artist presented her artistic practice and the project Daddy was a spy for the Soviet Union in April at the SCCA Project Room.
Her project is based on the fact that she was living in Ljubljana for a few months as a child. Around 1970 her father, Paul Duncan Jones, was employed as a statistical consultant in Ljubljana. In the late 60s and the early 70s his business led him to several east European countries, but Ljubljana was the only one of all the cities where he also brought along his family. Over here, they were living in the Bellevue Hotel in Tivoli for a few months. Due to the nature of her father’s work, his constant traveling, and permanent absence, Deej Fabyc believed he was a spy.
Curators: Jadranka Ljubičič and Ana Grobler
The British-Australian artist Deej Fabycalready exhibited in Ljubljana in 2009 within the International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns. When talking to her then, we discovered that she had stayed in Ljubljana for a few months during her childhood. Therefore we invited her to an artistic residence at Artist’s Asylum at Metelkova City from 9th-29th April 2011. A frequent topic of Deej Fabyc works is psychological dimension of personal and political experience of trauma. She is an artist that is fascinated by the concord of personal histories in the context of wider public as well as engagement related to social systems. Her work according to the principal "personal and political", does not distinguish between art and life.
KUD Mreža/Alkatraz Gallery
Masarykova 24, Ljubljana
In cooperation with:
Zavod za razvoj in umetnost Art Center Središče,
Zavod za sodobno umetnost SCCA - Ljubljana,
Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana,
Mešani pevski zbor Glasbena matica Ljubljana,
Modiana, d.o.o.,
Sunčan P. Stone
[Published June 17, 2011]