Celebrating circulation of European literature: EU support for literary translation and EU Prize for Literature
Panel discussion
Thursday, 1st December 2011, 10.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana

Cultural Contact Point Slovenia is organizing the public discussion about possibilities of co-financing translations of European literary works within the Culture programme and about the EU Prize for Literature.
First part of the event will be dedicated to Culture programme and to the call for literary translation. Beside that we will also present the success of Slovene publishers between 2007 and 2011 within the call. Representatives of Cultural contact points from Croatia (Mladen Špehar) and Macedonia (Biljana Prentoska) will present results of respective countries.
Katja Stergar (Slovene Book Agency) will present European Prize for Literature, which recognizes the best new or emerging authors in the EU.
The discussion with publishers from countries in the region will bring together representatives from Croatia (Nataša Barta Paripović, Publishing house VBZ), Macedonia (Igor Isakovski, Publishing house Blesok), Czech Republic (Michaela Velčková, Publishing house Větrné mlýny), Hungary (Péter Váradi, L'Harmattan publishing house) and Slovenia (David Movrin, Mohorjeva družba; Nadja Dobnik, Književno društvo Hiša poezije). The discussion will be moderated by Mateja Lazar (CCP Slovenia) and Anja Jelavić (HR MK, CCP Croatia).
The event will be held in Slovene and English with simultaneous interpretation.
Cultural Contact Point Slovenia
Ines Kežman ali Maša Ekar, T: (01) 4318385
E: ccp@scca-ljubljana.si ali ccpinfo@scca-ljubljana.si
W: www.ccp.si
Culture Programme is a seven-year (2007-13) programme for community measures in the field of culture open to all cultural sectors and all categories of cultural operators, that promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector, encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products as well as intercultural dialogue.
CCP Slovenia is an information office for Culture Programme, responsible for the promotion of the programme on the national level, for dissemination and exchange of information related to the implementation of the Programme; it provides assistance in searching partner organisations and offers technical support for users. CCP Slovenia was established in 2002 within the SCCA-Ljubljana. CCP Slovenia is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.
[Published November 25, 2011]