Mobility and residencies for artists and curators of contemporary art
Public event: panel and workshop
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
City Museum Ljubljana, Gosposka Str. 15, Ljubljana
Application deadline for the workshop: December 5th, 2011!
SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana presents the public event Mobility and Residencies for Artists and Curators of Contemporary Art. The event includes the public panel Ljubljana – the City of Artist' Residencies and the International workshop Residencies for Curators of Contemporary Art. The event has been organised by web portal Artservis in the context of the project ON-AiR and in the collaboration with the Trans Artists, a web based platform for artist' residencies from Amsterdam.
The project ON-AiR is a European tool for artists, including seminars, mobility workshops and training programs on artist-in-residence opportunities.The project has two goals: a) overcoming the imbalance between knowledge and skills among potential users of AiR programs: to know that AiR opportunities are 'out there' is something else than to have the skills to access and make use of them; b) exchanging intelligence among providers of AiR programs, on how to distribute facts and value of AiR opportunities among potential users, in such a way that it fits the regional needs of the artists. Head of the project is Trans Artsists from Amsterdam. The project will last from May 2010 to April 2012. More:
Public panel Ljubljana – the City of Artist' Residencies
10.00 – 12.00, Conference hall, in Slovenian language
10.00 a. m.–10.15 a. m.: Introduction by Marija Mojca Pungerčar, artist and the editor of Artservis
10.15. a. m.–12.00 a. m.: Panel talk with panelists: Lena Jevnik, the senior consulter, Department for Culture at City of Ljubljana; Barbara Koželj Podlogar, the general director of the Directorate for Art at the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia; Alenka Gregorič, the director of City Art Museum Ljubljana and Gallery 001. Nevenka Šivavec, the director of International Centre of Graphic Arts
12.00 a. m.–12.20 a. m.: Coffee break
International workshop Residencies for Curators of Contemporary Art
12.20–14.00: Conference hall, in English language
12.20 a. m.–1.10 p. m.: Anna Ptak (Poland), the introduction of the Re-tooling Residencies book (2011, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw).
1.10 p. m.–2.00 p. m.: Johan Lundh (Sweden), residencies for curators – describing the experiences and putting them in large context.
2.00 p. m.–3.00 p. m.: Break.
15.00–17.00: Pedagogical room, in English language
3.00 p. m.–5.00 p. m.: The workshop Residencies for Curators, conducted by Yasmine Ostendorf in Erik Hagoort (Trans Artists, the Netherlands). Closed for public. The participants: the World of Art students and registered participants.
The firts part of the event, the public panel Ljubljana – the City of Artist' Residencies, will present the residencies programs or iniciatives for establishing residency centers in the City of Ljubljana.
The second part, the International workshop Residencies for Curators of Contemporary Art, will concentrate on the mobility of curators and how to find the most appropriate residency for this profession. The international guests represents foreign programs with international references and their own experiences:
Anna Ptak is a researcher, producer and curator with a background in the social sciences who works as residencies curator at A-I-R Laboratory, CCA Ujazdowski Castle. She is a co-founder of so:on association – a collective of artists and cultural animators dealing with cultural policy and audio-visual media through activism and artistic interventions. She is an editor of the RE-tooling Residencies book and acted as a researcher for the project with the same name.
More information about the project:
Johan Lundh is an independent curator and writer, dividing his time between Berlin and Stockholm. He holds a MFA and a Post-Graduate Degree in curating from Konstfack in Stockholm. Together with artists, curators, theorists, designers and others, Lundh engineers frameworks for artistic processes and discursive formations.
For more info, see his website:
Yasmine Ostendorf (Master of Arts in Cultural Studies) has been working as editor, curator and researcher on contemporary art. Since 2008 she works at Trans Artists, a knowledge centre on international residency opportunities based in Amsterdam. There she is working as the project coordinator of the EU funded project ON-AiR, A European "tool for artists"; mobility workshops and training programs on artist-in-residence (AiR) opportunities. More information:,
If you want to attend the International workshop Residencies for Curators of Contemporary Art, send us the a brief motivation letter (few sentences), with your name, address, telephon, education and/or profession.
The workshop is free, but the knowledge of english is required. Application deadline is Dezember 5th, or untill all places will be filled.
We accept your applications on e-mail address:
Marija Mojca Pungerčar, the editor of Artservis
Kaja Balog, the redactor of Artservis
+386 (0)1 431 83 85
The project is supported by: City of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, European Commission (Culture Programme)
Acknowledgements: Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Published November 25, 2011]