WORLD OF ART, School for curators and
critics of contemporary art,
Year 14
Guding tours through the exhibition 4. 4.
Wednesday, 17 April at 6 p.m.
Thursday, 25 April at 6 p.m.
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana

4. 4. exhibition opening, photo: Miha Peterlič
You are kindly invited to join two guiding tours through the exhibition 4.4. at the Škuc Gallery. The curators of the exhibition / participants of The World of Art school will present the artists and exhibited works on Wednesday, 17 April at 6 p.m. and Thursday, 25 April at 6 p.m.
The exhibition is on view until 5 May.
Join as at the Škuc Gallery, on FB (, on the World of Art website ( or visit the blog!
Production: SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts– Ljubljana / World of Art
Coproduction: Škuc Gallery
The exhibition is supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Okolje Consulting d. o. o., Riko d. o. o., Zasebna ambulanta splošne medicine Slavko Jernejšek, dr. med., spec. spl. med., Moro & Kunst d. o. o., Banka Celje d. d., SO-RA d. o. o., Megacop Dušan Vehovar s. p., Vinakras Sežana, Vinakoper, Droga Kolinska Group, Grand Hotel Union, Slaščičarna Viki, Rayher Adria d. o. o.
[Published April 19, 2013]