Unexplored Metelkova City
A guided tour around the visual art scene at ACC Metelkova City
Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 7 pm
Meeting point: Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

The protagonists of the Autonomous Cultural Centre Metelkova City have transformed the public space and the face of the buildings with architectural, constructional, artistic and handcraft interventions, thus creating a unique kind of a Gesamtkunstwerk.
The guided tours lead you through the 20 years of history of this Ljubljana’s intersection of urbanity, culture, alternative and visual arts. They unveil many stories and confront you with the less visible side of the Metelkova phenomenon that requires specific conditions of contemporary art creation.
Guided tour will begin in the SCCA Project Room (Metelkova 6). The curator Saša Nabergoj will speak about the history of Metelkova City, from its occupation in September 1993 to present, about the production conditions in the past and nowadays, and about the formation and development of Metelkova City art scene. The presentation will be accompanied with selected photographic material.
After the guided tour Alkatraz Gallery kindly invites you to the opening of the exhibition FRONT(A), by Goran Škofić, at 8pm.
The project Unexplored Metelkova City is supported by: Ljubljana Tourism

[Published August 14, 2013]