Total Art Platform Cirkulacija 2 in Studio 6
Dark Forest Disco
Exhibition and conversation
Thursday, August 22, 2013, at 7 pm
Exhibition will be open till August 30, 2013
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Participants: Stefan Doepner, Boštjan Leskovšek, Borut Savski
Curator: Saša Nabergoj

Around the time (in 2009) when Cirkulacija 2 arose from the Cirkulacija (and only male members of the team initiators remained, for Majda Gregorič and Ksenja Čerče left for solo projects), in the invitation to the summer festival evening Luči in palačinke (Lights and Pancakes) Borut Savski announced an ironic definition of their practice as ''male art''. Inspired by a bright idea by Neven Korda, Savski questioned the label "female art", mainly because of a widespread feminist assumption that female principle is connective in contrast to male principle as competitive and exclusive.The practice of Cirkulacija 2 is, on the contrary, based precisely on the various levels of integration, even more, it creates an open space for integrative art. The members of the collective understand their operation as a kind of social experiment, both, in the relations between them, or with occasional collaborators and supporters, and ultimately, with the public. By constantly inventing new ways of cooperation and working strategies they relate to the specifics of their artistic practice based on the process, which is ephemeral, unspectacular, highly experimental, intermedia and situated at the intersection of the new (and old) technologies. Consequently, their production and presentation space likewise that has for many years operated in the heating station at former bicycle factory Rog is designed as an interdisciplinary station, a workshop, a laboratory and an exhibition/presentation space at the same time.
Saša Nabergoj
The conversation moderated by Saša Nabergoj will discuss the key concepts of their collaboration: the emancipation of individuals in the collective, open-source operation, universality versus specialisation of the individual, "male art" and also everything else, whatever will excite or disturb us in making the modus operandi of Cirkulacija 2 public.

The exhibition opening will follow the conversation:in the Project Room SCCA the members of Cirkulacija 2 will create a sound-light ambient and complement it with a culinary program located between hallway and kOFFeTIRnica space, a trace of an earlier project within Studio 6. There are even more parallels between the projects: if the members of collectives OFF and TIR drastically changed the Project Room, also the members of Cirkulacija 2 will build a new space;except that in the first case by using wooden pallets the transformation was solid and tangible, while Circulacija 2 will create a space with light, sound and handmade specialized robots/objects. The project Room will be transformed into a "magical forest", consisting of prototypes and works of art by three members of Cirkulacija 2.
The exhibition and the conversation is the co-production project of SCCA–Ljubljana (Studio 6 program) and the Total Art Platform Cirkulacija 2.
Photos from the event
Photo: Cirkulacija2 and SCCA-Ljubljana archive

[Published August 17, 2013]