Projects of co-workers
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Or a Few Notes on Shifts in Curatorial Practice
Issue 3, Summer 2013, jurnal by Open Systems
Guest editor: Saša Nabergoj
We would like to inform you about the project of our co-worker Saša Nabergoj, head of the World of Art school for curators and critics and the Studio 6 program.

Open Systems is pleased to present Issue 3 in which the guest editor Saša Nabergoj intends to explore and generate new ideas on current curatorial practices that bear the important overarching shifts. The issue evaluates prevailing models of the curatorial activity from curating that “situates itself between research, teaching and reform” to also understand curatorial practice in its diversity as something beyond the realm of art.
This issue of Open Systems presents debates on different formats of curatorial work; analysis, reflections, the conceptualising of a potential future rearrangement of components of curatorial practises, its interviewing of art and theory production, art criticism and education.
… Try Again. Fail again. Fail better … The famous Beckett line nicely sums up the para-curating approach. One can only fail better if one understands failure as potential for learning, and thus while working and experimenting develops one’s practice and thinking further. Another important principle that should also be transferred beyond the realm of art.
Contributors: Andrzej Szczerski, Nora Sternfeld and Luisa Ziaja, Suzana Milevska, Paul O’Neill, Sarat Maharaj
More information:
Saša Nabergoj
Art historian, curator and critic. Assistant director at SCCA−Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts (Slovenia). A member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics) and IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, Amsterdam). Writer, editor, curator and lecturer on contemporary art, focusing on curatorial and critical practices.
[Published October 4, 2013]