Balkan(s) now
Seminar and artistic survey
October 25 and 26, 2013
City Art Museum Ljubljana, Mestni trg 5, Ljubljana
You are cordially invited to attend the seminar and artistic survey on Friday and Saturday at City Art Museum Ljubljana. Barbara Borčić, SCCA-Ljubljana director and head of video programs, will participate at the panel Cross-border artistic and institutional networking; the ex-Yugoslav context as a model for Europe.

Balkan(s) now aims to actively engage with current artistic practice in countries of former Yugoslavia as we believe that a much-needed political artistic practice is being shaped in countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo or Slovenia: a practice that relies on self-empowerment, strong networking across the region and a pro-European, yet critical attitude. For that reason looking at the artistic landscape anywhere south of the Austrian border, one discovers a vivid, particularly interconnected art scene that stands strong.
Curators: Gülsen Bal and Marlene Rigler in cooperation with Open Systems (Vienna), Mestna galerija (Ljubljana) and Remont (Belgrade).
Friday, October 25, 6-7.30 pm
Art and the realm of politics: contemporary artistic practice and politisation of civil society
Moderation: Dieter Hammer
- Albert Heta (Artist and co-founder of Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Pristina, Pristina)
- Igor Toshevski (Artist and member of Kooperacija, Skopje)
- IRWIN (Artist collective, Ljubljana)
- Lana Zdravković (Researcher, publicist, political activist and artist - Mirovni Inštitut and Institute KITCH Ljubljana)
Saturday, October 26, 11-12.30 am
Cross-border artistic and institutional networking; the ex-Yugoslav context as a model for Europe
Moderation: Dieter Hammer
- Barbara Borčić (Director and head of video programs, SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana)
- Miroslav Karić (Art critic and curator, Remont Independent Artists association, Belgrade)
- Zoran Pantelić (Member of New Media Art Centre - Kuda, Novi Sad)
12.30 am-2 pm
Film and Video screening:
Yane Calovski, Nemanja Cvijanović, Ibro Hasanović, Astrit Ismaili, Alban Muja, Vladan Jeremić and Rena Rädle, Milica Tomić
After the projection we invite you to: Artists’ Laboratory / Performance: Lana Čmajčanin (Artist, Sarajevo)
MORE: Balkan(s) now
[Published October 24, 2013]