DIVA Station & Nova Gorica City Gallery
Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art
Ida Hiršenfelder: Endless Plane. The dimensions of video space and the art of projection
February 25, 2014 at 7pm
Nova Gorica City Gallery, Bevkov trg 4

The second of the lectures in collaboration between SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana and Nova Gorica City Gallery which are going to take place in the first half of 2014 as a part of Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art Series is going to deal with projection as a medium and a building block of the experience of space in contemporary art.
Ida Hiršenfelder, an art critic, theorist of media art, curator, and a member of DIVA Station digital video archive is going to talk about video space.

Marko Batista, Boštjan Čadež: Timing Diagrams, Old Power Plant, Ljubljana, Production: Aksioma, 2011
Today, video space is an endless three-dimensional universe, which has completely transformed the initial television frame in the 4 x 3 format or film frame in the 16 x 9 format. By employing a wide range of programming languages for manipulation of video images it has spread out numerous endless plains and folded landscapes that are in a constant process of relocating, composing, and folding.
Video in visual arts has forecasted the disintegration of predetermined formats and position of viewing, which has been expanded in e.g. “total” space in the past fifteen years. Using video projection we may change any given surface into a dynamic video screen.
Photos from the lecture
by Matej Vidmar

Spacial thanks for extending their invitation to Nova Gorica City Gallery, Pavla Jarc, and Mateja Poljšak Furlan.
More: http://kulturnidom-ng.si/dogodki-vpis/galerijski-dogodki/2014/predavanje-2/
Zavod SCCA–Ljubljana is supported by Ljubljana City Municipality, Department for Culture.
[Published February 6, 2014]