SCCA-Ljubljana at the training
and networking meetings in Luxembourg
June 17-19, 2014

Training and information sessions for and with On the Move (OTM) member organisations and Asian delegates will take place in Luxemburg. SCCA-Ljubljana (Dušan Dovč) as an OTM member will be present at the trainings and networking meetings.
Following the successful experience of 2012, the Agence Luxembourgeoise d' Action Culturelle will welcome On the Move and its members for a training on communication strategies and the use of social media for cultural mobility, taking place in Luxemburg on 17 June.
The objectives of this training are to share expertise and experience on how to better communicate about cultural mobility opportunities and related issues, and to define effective and efficient strategies to reach each other organisation's target audiences via Web-based services.
Comparing to the previous edition, this training will have two new features:
- The training will be linked to two days of information on cultural mobility for the cultural sector Luxemburg/Grande Région (18-19 June). OTM members and partners from Asia will connect and exchange with an audience of Luxemburgish cultural professionals and managers. This two days meeting is part of a yearly training programme in Luxemburg, Create your future, facilitated by the Agence Luxembourgeoise d' Action Culturelle with the support of the European Social Fund.
- Thanks to the support of the Asia-Europe Foundation, the training and meetings will involve some Asian organisations and/ or information platforms: Randian magazine, China and Planting Rice, the Philippines. Will be also represented the Korean Art Management Service and Bamboo Curtain Studio (Taiwan). The Asian delegation will also enjoy a visit to Metz (France) on 16 June, where the Regional Council of Lorraine will introduce them to the local administrators, elected representatives and cultural professionals. A discussion about cultural mobility and cultural/creative industries will follow.
The OTM members participating in the training and the meetings in Luxemburg (beyond the Asia-Europe Foundation) are:
- Arts and Theatre Institute (Czech Rep.)
- Culture Desk Foundation (Bulgaria)
- DutchCulture ¦ TransArtists (the Netherlands)
- Ex-BAAPE (France)
- FACE – Fresh Arts Coalition Europe
- Kunstenloket (Belgium)
- SCCA- Center for Contemporary arts (Slovenia)
- Trans Europe Halles

This event is supported by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) for the participants from ASEF, the Philippines and China. ASEF's contribution is with the financial support of the European Union.

[Published June 16, 2014]