World of Art, School for curators and
critics of contemporary art
Year 15
Call for Applications for the World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art
Deadline: Sunday, 28 September 2014

World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art is a two-year School for the participants only with regular study program; apart from that, a Series of Public Lectures and Workshops on Curatorial and Institutional Practices are organized in the frame of the school.
School is intended for those who are interested in an intensive and in-depth work in the field of contemporary art (future curators, art critics etc.). School offers knowledge, experience and skills needed to deal with different aspects of the contemporary art world.
- 1st YEAR (October 2014–June 2015) is focused on acquiring art-historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge; it includes a wide range of lectures, seminars, research work, study trips, studio and exhibition visits, writing texts on exhibitions, meetings with curators, artists, theorists and critics.
- 2nd YEAR (October 2015–June 2016) is focused on curatorial and critical studies and testing in practice; it includes modules on the practical work of the curator and the teamwork in conceptualisation and preparing an exhibition of contemporary art under the tutor’s guidance. The exhibition is planned in the Škuc Gallery (Ljubljana) in May 2016.
Find more about the School’s program on the World of Art webpage. The program will get updated in time and may also undergo some changes. We reserve the right to changes.
Regular meetings usually take place on Thursdays’ afternoon (16.00–20.00). The precise timetable is published one month in advance and updated to reflect current developments in the art world.
A group of 10 participants will be selected by tender. Anyone can submit an application, regardless of experience, age and education.
The language of the school is Slovene, although there are some lectures in English, Croatian or Serbian language.
A good knowledge of Slovene language is obligatory (speaking and writing).
Participant’s fee: 1st year (2014/2015) 500 EUR, 2nd year (2015/2016) 500 EUR.
The School is intended for all who are interested in working in the field of contemporary art, regardless of experience, age and education.
Those interested should send: completed online application form, CV, a letter of motivation, a brief review of a contemporary art exhibition (max 5000 characters without spaces) – all in a Slovene language – in an electronic form to or posted to SCCA–Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana.
Deadline: Sunday, 28 September 2014
Candidates, shortlisted based on the sent material, will be invited for an interview with Saša Nabergoj (head of the World of Art), Barbara Borčič (advisor) and Miran Mohar (mentor), which is expected to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7 and 8, 2014.
Candidates, invited for an interview, will be informed till Friday, October 3, 2014.
Up to ten participants will be selected to participate in the School's program.
In between both years, participants have to prepare a virtual exhibition as a part of a research project. Based on this and how successful their work is in the first year, a maximum of eight participants are promoted to the second year of school.
Timetable for October and November
[Published September 9, 2014]