Projects of co-workers
PORTIZMIR 3 in curated world of art
Lecture of Saša Nabergoj in Miroslav Kraljević Gallery in Zagreb
October 14, 2014, at 7 pm
Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Šubičeva 29, Zagreb
Saša Nabergoj will be using three examples of her long-time career to talk about her curatorial and educational practice. World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art, research-exhibition program Studio 6 and the third Triennial of Contemporary Art PORTIZMIR 3, she curated in 2014. The lecture will explore current curatorial practices that bear the important overarching shifts which understand curatorial activity as “situation itself between research, teaching and reform”. To put in with other words: exhibitions are becoming places where ‘something happens’ and not just a places where ‘something is represented’. In synch with this understanding the triennial PORTIZMIR 3 therefore focused on engaged artistic practices that operate on the fringe of the art world and deal with subjects and apply methodology from the outside world, from outside the ‘ivory tower of art’.

Saša Nabergoj is an art historian, curator and critic. Assistant director at SCCA−Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts (Slovenia). A member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics) and IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, Amsterdam). Writer, editor, curator and lecturer on contemporary art, focusing on curatorial and critical practices.
[Published October 13, 2014]