Studio 6
Words as Colours, Colours as Words*
Art Walk Through Poetry
21 January–14 February 2016
Vodnikova domačija Gallery, Vodnikova cesta 65, Ljubljana
Opening hours: Tuesday–Friday: 10 am–6 pm,
Saturday and Sunday: 10 am–2 pm and at announced events.

Matjaž Hanžek, Skyscraper, visual poem 1967
Artists: Maja Burja, Avgust Černigoj, Primož Čučnik & Gregor Podlogar & Žiga Kariž, Matjaž Hanžek, Andrej Hočevar & Jaka Železnikar, Alenka Pirman, Srečko Kosovel, Anton Podbevšek, Zoran Srdić Janežič, Valérie Wolf Gang
Curators: Dušan Dovč, Mihael Kelemina, Simona Žvanut
Opening: Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 7 pm
The opening of the exhibition will be accompanied with the visual-sound-semantic installation Ode on Manhattan Avenue by poets Primož Čučnik and Gregor Podlogar and visual artist Žiga Kariž.
Accompanying program:
Saturday, 23 January (11 am):
Words as Colours,workshop for pupils and family guided tour by dr. Petja Grafenauer within festival Bobri.
Workshop will be led by artists Maja Burja and Staš Vrenko.
Sunday, 24 January (11 am) and Sunday, 7 February 2016 (11 am)
Guided tours (in Slovene language) by curators Dušan Dovč, Miha Kelemina and Simona Žvanut
Wednesday, 10 February 2016 (6 pm)
Poetry in the gallery, lecture by Dušan Dovč (in Slovene language)
Lecture on visual poetry and poetic texts that are intended to be seen rather than read.

Exhibition examines the relationship between artistic expression in visual arts and in words, and which can be placed among research projects that transcend the boundaries of a single art form.
Authors who have on the one hand searched for visual value in words or on the other hand space for words on the canvas will present themselves. The exhibition will, in three complete sections, offer a selection of quotes from the manifestos of visual and literary artists, which will initiatively lead visitors through the history of experimenting with form and word; it will present artists of the Slovenian avant-garde, a reference for both Slovenian visual and literary creativity; and it will be concluded with artistic works and multimedia installations by contemporary artists.

Information: Dušan Dovč, SCCA–Ljubljana (01 431 83 85) and dr. Petja Grafenauer, Vodnikova domačija gallery (040 720 630)
Exhibition design: Vesna Bukovec
Advisor: Saša Nabergoj
Graphic design: Teja Ideja
Technical support: Yuliya Molina
Production: SCCA, Zavod za sodobno umetnost – Ljubljana
Coproduction: Divja misel
Supported by: Ljubljana Municipality, Department for culture, which supports Vodnikova domačija Gallery also.

Thanks: Nejc Bedrač, Beletrina Academic Press, Marijan Dović (ZRC SAZU), Matjaž Ferenc, Luka Hribar, Janez Janša, Valter Udovičić (Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art), dr. Peter Krečič, Miha Lampreht (Radio Slovenija), Katerina Mirović (Forum Ljubljana / Strip Core), Milan Štupar (NUK)
*from the poem ‘’The Principle’’, Ode on Manhattan Avenue, Čučnik, Podlogar, Kariž, 2003
[Published January 18, 2016]