No Nails, No Pedestals
Davorin Marc: From the Closet. And Beyond.
Installation, presentation and screening
Monday, 9 May 2016, at 8 p.m.
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Out of the Closet. And Beyond. – a new project by Davorin Marc is one of the numerous experiments with short-film format, characteristic for this filmmaker and artist all through his career since 1970s. He frequently cuts into the materiality of film reel and surprises with creative editing, producing a dynamic interplay of image and sound.
The selected nine films from the first period (1976–1987) were pulled Out of the Closet and will be shown on TV set. The eight films from the second period (after 2012) will be projected on the wall And Beyond.
The public will be led to the Project Room SCCA passing A Little Here. – a magic animation in the drawer – and guided to the window installation And a Little There. – where the light of the day and night meet.

Davorin Marc, Last few frames, 2013/2014
Davorin Marc was born Izola in 1964. He has devoted his life to art, especially film, in his very early years. His first film dates in 1976 and until today he has made more than 150 short films, witty diaries and documents of times and situations. He was also active in comics, collages, fanzines and produced a number of installations and exhibitions in the 1980s. He dared to negate the main principles of film directing and editing, introducing a film as an interactive happening.
After a long break in his career he is now back on track with a great courage, focusing on digital film and producing “digital pictures”.
Some of his films have been preserved/restored by the Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana and widely shown on several festivals, exhibitions and personal screenings, e. g. Alternative Film/Video festival, Belgrade; Kino otok (Isolacinema), Izola; All That is Film!, Experimental Film in Yugoslavia 1951-1991 in Moderna galerija Ljubljana; Anthology Film Archives in New York; Cinematheque Quebecoise, Montreal; Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley; Northwest Film Forum, Seattle; K3 Film Festival Udine | FRAME, Cinema Centrale Udine; Eks Voto (a tama for Ektachrome), The island of Tinos, Greece; International Experimental Film & Video Festival VIDEOEX 2013, Zurich.
On the occasion of screening program at the University of Rochester, his masterpieces were shown (e.g. Bite Me. Once Already / Ugrizni me. Že Enkrat (1978/80), Slaughter Ahoy / Ej Klanje (1981), Fear in the City (1181 Days Later or Smell of Rats) / Paura in Citta (1181 Dni Pozneje Ali Vonj Po Podganah) (1984)) and introduced by Jurij Meden, Curator of Film Exhibitions at the George Eastman House:
The post-punk Davorin Marc remains very much a subject for further research. Notoriously reclusive and with over 150 Super-8mm and 16mm films under his belt, he modestly describes his work as “small films,” period, pushing the notion of understatement to a radical, bleeding new extreme.
Photos from the event
Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana archive

In the media
Davorin Marc at Kultura ob 22h, author Meta Česnik, TV Slovenia, 9. 5. 2016 (from 04:18 till 04:37)
No Nails, No Pedestals 2016 (Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana) is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects).
The artists can present their works by using different media and program tools for presentation on computer screens, television sets and wall projections. The audience is encouraged to reflect the works and intervene in the discussion and thus add to the interpretational level of artistic practices with their feedback. Invited artists in 2016:
Miha Vipotnik, Davorin Marc, Boštjan Čadež
[Published May 4, 2016]