No Nails, No Pedestals
Miha Šubic: Mixed Grill
Screening of animations, featured and documentary films, discussion
Tuesday, 20 December 2016, 7pm
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
The exhibition is open until 10th January 2017.
For the past several years, SCCA-Ljubljana has been organising animation-related events in the festive season as part of DIVA Station, a physical and web archive of video and new-media art. Animated video and film heritage is one of the fields DIVA Station is documenting, to see how it relates to the present. By inviting guest animators for a Q&A focusing on their animation methods and techniques, we spark off a debate on the past and present animation production.
Project room at SCCA has already hosted Kolja Saksida (2009), Dušan Kastelic (2010), Zvoko Čoh and Milan Erič (2011), Koni Steinbacher (2013), Grega Mastnak (2014) and Miha Knific (2015).

Miha Šubic, Brickloader, animated film, comedy, 2', 2009
On the 20th of December director and animator Miha Šubic will present his films and animations. He will prepare a projection of his works and installation for Project room SCCA. In addition he will talk about his principles and work technique.
At the event he will present his animations, feature films and their “making-offs” as well as his short documentary films. Magnifications of shots from his past, present and future projects will also be available for viewing.

Miha Šubic, Neverending knot, feature film, comedy triller, 31', 2010

Miha Šubic, Last Lunch, animated film, comedy, 4', 2011

Miha Šubic, Food Fetish, feature film, satire, 9', 2014

Miha Šubic, Brain squeeze, animation, 1', 2013
Miha Šubic born in 1988 (Maribor, Slovenia). Co-founder of film making group Caveman Pictures and film society Film Factory. He studied film and animation at University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts in Ljubljana. He attended a lot of master classes and workshops, including Anima Campus Tallinn 2011. His films were screened and awarded at many film festivals. In September 2011 he graduated with his animated 3D film Last Lunch, which was screened at more than 50 film festivals over the world. At the moment he is developing a new project, a 3D animated film Honey, can you take my human for a walk? He works as a director, editor, animator and screenwriter.
No Nails, No Pedestals 2016 (Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana) is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects).
The artists can present their works by using different media and program tools for presentation on computer screens, television sets and wall projections. The audience is encouraged to reflect the works and intervene in the discussion and thus add to the interpretational level of artistic practices with their feedback.
Invited artists in 2016:
Miha Vipotnik, Davorin Marc, Boštjan Čadež, Miha Šubic
[Published December 11, 2016]