Videodokument & Eyedentify Yourself
Presentation of project and screening of video program produced by
Sparwasser HQ and Bar Z, Berlin
December 18, 2006
Videodokument: Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998
This documentation, archival and research project on video art in Slovenia has been developed within the scope of the SCCA-Ljubljana Documentation Program between 1994 and 2003. It presents a comprehensive overview of thirty years of video art in Slovenia.
Videodokument comprises catalogue, essays, CD-ROM, web site and study archive.
Selected works
Curator: Barbara Borčić
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana
Presented artists:
- Nuša & Srečo Dragan, The White Milk of White Breasts, 2' 24'', Ljubljana 1969, (1984)
- Marijan Osole-Max, Avtop, 4' 50'', ŠKD Forum, Ljubljana 1983
- Miha Vipotnik, Don't Panic, 7', TV Koper & Obalne galerije Piran 1984
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda (Borghesia), Discipline (So Young), 3' 46'', FV Video / ŠKD Forum, Ljubljana 1984
- Marko A. Kovačič, American Dream, 6', Brut, Ljubljana 1986
- Rok Sieberer-Kuri, Crisis, 3', V.S. Video / ŠKUC - Forum, Ljubljana 1989
- Sašo Podgoršek, Model, 5', Nord Cross Production, Mute film & TV Slovenija, Ljubljana 1989
- Zemira Alajbegović & Neven Korda, The Sand Collectors, 12', V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, Ljubljana 1995
- Peter Vezjak, Venite Lucifer, 4', Mute film & TV Slovenija, Ljubljana 1995
- Marko A. Kovačič, Forth into the Past, 10', V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & VPK, Ljubljana 1995
- Mirko Simić, Ausländer, 3' 52'', VPK & Magnifico, Ljubljana 1996
- Ema Kugler, Taiga, 8', Forum Ljubljana & VPK, Ljubljana 1996
- Miha Vipotnik, Path of Crazy Wisdom, 9', CalArts, Los Angeles 1993/96
- Nataša Prosenc, One Way, 5' 32'', TV Slovenija, Ljubljana 1996
- Apolonija Šušteršič, Private Corridor - Public Toilets, 3' 30'', Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam & Forum Ljubljana 1997
- Sašo Vrabič, Tower Flatline, 2', Ljubljana 1998
Eyedentify Yourself
Thematic video program curated by Tevž Logar
Eyedentify Yourself has been produced in frame of Videospotting, the SCCA-Ljubljana selected programs of video works by artists from Slovenia that has been continuing a systematic research of video production started with Videodokument.
Eydentify Yourself presents the selected video production of last three years. It is focused on a young generation of artists and their personal attitude towards the theme of identity.
Curator: Tevž Logar
Duration: 27'33''
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana
Presented artists:
- Nika Autor in Robertina Šebjanič, Niro, 2'15'', 2006
- Tomaž Furlan, Wear, 9'53'', 2005
- Tomaž Tomažin, Mr. Tornhill, 2'07'', 2005
- Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič, First Impression, 9', 2004
- Nataša Berk, PolyPlay, 4'18'', 2004
Partly supported by Ministry of Culture of Republic Slovenia (Barbara Borčić, artist in residence program in Berlin).