A series of occasional publications for contemporary arts

Editors: Barbara Borčić, Urška Jurman
bw print, format 20,7 x 24,8 cm
Slovene, English, Croatian, Serbian
ISSN 1580-738X
The publications are focused on the themes that would contribute
considerably to the understanding of contemporary art practice
and its context. As a rule they are a part of broader research
projects conceived and elaborated by SCCA-Ljubljana. Apart from
providing the information on the centres activities, we publish
original texts and translations from the fields of art theory,
critical theory and art criticism. With the special section entitled
Open Scene we wish to encourage also writers from the younger not
yet experienced generation, to offer us their contributions.
No. 4 (2005)
price: 5,84 EUR
100 pages
Theme: What Is to Be Done with "Balkan Art"?
A thematic number is a part of a broader research project with the same title
that was conceived with the initial objective to reflect upon and interpret
the reinvention and (re)definition of the Balkans and 'Balkan art'. It is comprised
by interviews and commissioned original texts by various authors from the broad
region of the Balkans.
No. 3 (2002)
price: 8,35 EUR (limited edition)
60 pages
Theme: Art - Ideology - Theory
The third number is partially still linked to Manifesta 3 while questioning
the role of art theory in relation to artistic practices and critical theory.
The authors of texts with very diverse background and professions, discuss
the relationship between theory and ideology and art and politics from fairly
different perspectives, opening also the question of criteria while validating
contemporary art practices and the relevant methods of writing on contemporary
visual arts.
No. 2 (2000)
Sold out.
64 pages
Theme: Research project Manifesta in Our Backyard II
In the second number, we continue with analysing M3 as an example of representational
strategies of contemporary art established within a Western art system. We
are also eager to find out whether there are potentials in Slovenia that strive
to introduce different - more appropriate to the local situation - models of
functioning and connecting. A special emphasis is put on the critical analyses
of individual artworks on view at M3 exhibition.
No. 1 (2000)
Sold out.
34 pages
Theme: Research project Manifesta in Our Backyard I
In 2000, Manifesta 3(M3) - European Biennial of Contemporary Art was hosted
in Ljubljana. As a model of a large international exhibition, it became an
object of our research project with a title Manifesta in Our Backyard. In the
first number of PlatformaSCCA, we are analysing the M3 self-image and its ideological
effects, we are following its reception in Slovenia as well as its relation
to the host city Ljubljana and its contemporary art scene.
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, T + 386 1 431 83 85, F 386 1 430 06
Dušan Dovč (
Where can you find PlatformaSCCA?
Selected bookshops in Slovenia and abroad (Robinson Crusoe Kitabevi, Istanbul, Pro qm, thematische Buchhandlung, Berlin;): 5,84 EUR (No. 4)
C.O.D: 5,84 EUR (No. 4) + postage, 8,35 EUR (No. 3) + postage
At SCCA-Ljubljana office : 4,17 EUR (No. 4); 6,68 EUR (No. 3)
We wish you a pleasant and interesting reading!