DIVA Station / City of Women, 24th International festival of contemporary arts
Presentation of the EVA anthologies (Ed. Slavko Kačunko)
Saturday, 27 October 2018, 5pm
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
Slavko Kačunko, researcher, curator, theoretician and editor, will present the third and fourth edition of EVA (Edition Video Art), dedicated to the Theories of Video Art (Theorien der Videokunst).
The comprehensive two volume-anthology provides an invaluable source for an interdisciplinary study of video, media- and contemporary art as well as the accompanying theories. It covers a generation of critical writing published between 1988–2018 and includes texts of 40 female authors, as well as 5 recent interviews.
The anthology represents a hitherto unwritten chapter of video and media (art) research. It is the first anthology of the female authors, in which the readers can expect a representative cross-section through the German-language video literature with focus on the key texts for the correspondent theory formation. The anthology thus also offers a “Who’s Who” of German-speaking theories of video art (self-) reflected in a global context.
Barbara Borčić, head of DIVA Station archive, will open the event.

Theoreticians 1988-2003
(582 pages, German Language, Logos Verlag Berlin 2018)
With 22 contributions from Edith Decker-Phillips, Inga Lemke, Karin Bruns, Claudia Richarz, Gerda Lampalzer, Christiane Fricke, Nicoletta Torcelli, Söke Dinkla, Annette Hünnekens, Claudia Rosiny, Ursula Frohne, Verena Kuni, Katharina Gsöllpointner, Yvonne Volkart, Barbara Engelbach, Barbara Büscher, Katja Albers, Lydia Haustein, Sabine Flach, Sabine Himmelsbach, Anja Osswald and Martina Dobbe.
The anthology includes an introduction by Slavko Kačunko and recent interviews with Gerda Lampalzer, Ursula Frohne and Lydia Haustein.

Theoreticians 2004-2018
(582 pages, German Language, Logos Verlag Berlin 2018)
With 19 contributions from Irene Schubiger, Änne Söll, Inke Arns, Katharina Gsöllpointner, Yvonne Spielmann, Katharina Ammann, Christiane Fricke, Sylvia Martin, Martina Dobbe, Sigrid Adorf, Stephanie Sarah Lauke, Kathrin Becker, Sabine Maria Schmidt, Katja Kwastek, Marion Thielebein, Anke Hervol, Tabea Lurk, Franziska Stöhr and Eva Wattolik.
The anthology includes recent interviews with Yvonne Spielmann and Kathrin Becker.
The presentation is a part of the 24th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women and the exhibition Marwa Arsanios: Who is afraid of Ideology?.
With this event, we honour the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2018. At this year’s celebration we are joined by Slavko Kačunko, who prepared a curated video program including works by Marcel Odenbach. Please, join us at the screening the same day at 7pm at the Slovenian Cinematheque.